
Towards a new energy system

Rebuilding the energy system should be easy: It’s a pretty clear case to be moving from fossil fuels to renewables. The technology is (mostly) available, and the transition is affordable. But easy, it is not. In this lecture, Prof. Gert Jan Kramer explores this discrepancy.

Prof. dr. Gert Jan Kramer is professor of sustainable energy supply systems and head of the Energy & Resources group at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development at Utrecht University. He studies the energy transition both as a technical and a socio-technical phenomenon and is also the hub leader of 'Deep Decarbonisation: Towards Industry with Negative Emissions’, a hub of the strategic theme ‘Pathways to Sustainability’ of Utrecht University.

Complexity lecture series
Studium Generale and the Focus Area Grip on Complexity (Institute for Complex Molecular Systems) jointly organize a lecture series to show how new insights from complexity help find sophisticated answers to the overwhelming questions our society is facing. Four themes will be discussed both via an introductory lunch lecture for a general audience and via an in-depth lecture for experts in the field (Complex Fridays). This lecture series is for anyone who is convinced that modern science can and should play a role in the societal solutions of today and tomorrow.

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