
The New Continent: free tickets for a must see play for everyone at TU/e

TU/e Employees and students are invited to come to see and enjoy ‘The New Continent’, as part of the Lustrum activities (TU/e65). Due to Covid-19, it was impossible to feature this new and original play in 2021 -the year of our anniversary- but now that all measures are lifted, you have the chance to watch the play for free!

‘The New Continent’

Participants of Project Greenland leave for Greenland by ship. Looking for a fresh start in their lives, they leave unexpectedly quickly because a new pandemic is imminent. The ship is damaged and when the engine fails during a storm, the ship drops anchor. Where Gus threatens to polarize, Jane continues to doubt. Their love is tested. When they finally reach Greenland, Jane wonders: 'Can I continue with the man I love so much?'

The New Continent is a compelling and heartwarming play with music and movement, written and directed by Geert Niland. The English play is performed by the International Theatre Collective Eindhoven (ITCE): twenty talented (inter)nationals from the Brainport region including TU/e.

The director of the play Geert Niland, who also conceived the idea and wrote the script, is well known also within the TU/e because of his enormous popular and spectacular renditions of Moulin Rouge (performed when the TU/e turned 55) and Rent, the musical that was performed 20 times on the TU/e Campus, all evenings sold out. So be quick and order your t2 free ickets, there is only a limited number available per theater!

Dates and ordering code for two free tickets

As TU/e employee or -student you can order 2 free tickets per person. Just visit the website of the theater you want to visit and use the code TUE65. 

Script and direction: Geert Niland 
Music: Mohsen Mehrafouz 
Scenography: Eline Baks 
Costume: Agnes van Dijk
Actors: Armand Ilas, Beata Schrier, Charlie Marie Rijvers, Dana Wellens, Edith Gierasimiuk, Etem Özel, Gloria Primi, Marie Romano, Mariana Spijkers, Neema Gohari, Raja Bennabhaktula, Renske de Wolf, Sankalp Jain, Stephan van Mierlo, Alex Reefman, Georgios Skantzaris, Suzanne van Gorp.Chris Plaesikoadis, Dorien Meulendijks

Production: Marleen Bruurs en Niels van Doormalen
Business leader: Marsha Damen
Artwork design: Nik van Rozendaal

This production is made possible thanks to WONKA Podia and TU/e, with support of Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, CultuurEindhoven and Kunstloc. 

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