
Summer break | New programming published here on August 17

It's been quite a roller coaster ride the past corona months. Running, coming to a standstill, changing direction, adjusting, changing direction again and that in repeating loops. Now it's time for a well deserved summer break* and that means that there are no Studium Generale programs until September 2nd. Uhm just wait a sec... on August 12th at TU/e Summer University we will organize the free workshop 'Ronnie Gardiner Method: setting your brain in motion' 4 times that Wednesday. After that we'll be back fresh and energetic with lots of inspiring programs; some of them taking place again at the campus site, others via a livestream on your laptop/smartphone and in many cases both. From then on you can also register for SG & USE again. Read more about that here.

From mid-August onwards the new programs will be published on this website and reservations can be made for the ones that will take place on the TU/e campus. Making a reservation for an on-campus program is mandatory from September onwards, because of the limited available seats. For online livestreamed programs you don't need a reservation.

On behalf of the entire SG team: enjoy a beautiful summer and see you in September! 


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