
SG One minute tip | De meeste mensen deugen (Humankind: A Hopeful History)

In this one minute tip, head of Studium Generale, Lucas Asselbergs tells you why he thinks the book "De meeste mensen deugen" by Rutger Bregman is a must-read, especially in times of crises when a positive view on human kind can be very refreshing. Unlike Lucas states in this video, this book has recently been translated into English and is now available in book stores: Humankind: A Hopeful History.

SG One minute tips

Shortly after the Corona virus took the stage, daily life has come to a standstill...but not online. Many good on- and offline initiatives in the field of science and culture are emerging right now. Our Studium Generale program makers and student assistants search the web, consult their network and they love to share with you the gems they have found in: "The one minute tip" video series.

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