
Column | Heavy stuff

Aren’t we all looking forward to going back to normal again? But, what exactly was ‘normal’ again? Time to check it out with Studium Generale.

While many students are still busy doing their exams, I like to look beyond the exam period to what Studium Generale has in store for the upcoming quartile.
Cultural historian David van Reybrouck will be our guest, reminiscing intently about the origins of present-day Indonesia. There will also be an online documentary in which we will see Sobibor death camp survivor Jules Schelvis talk with other survivors. And on May 4th, a historically dark day in Dutch history, there will be a beautiful story about Philips' resistance hero Jan Zwartendijk.

The lectures by Van Reybrouck and about Jan Zwartendijk will both be in Dutch. But even if you only see the English subtitled documentary by Jules Schelvis, you will witness a very moving piece of history.

These programs are not exactly light fare in a time when the world is sighing and moaning under the yoke of the Covid-19 virus, and perhaps even more so under the measures that are currently in place to contain the pandemic. Truly, these are difficult and unprecedentedly un-free times. And yet, after participating in the programs mentioned, you may look at concepts such as misery, loneliness, fear and freedom differently. The realization that - while suffering is present at all times, it can also be accompanied by new insights, refreshing momentum and hope for a better future - is an inspiring and comforting realization.

And of course, after serious must come light… so join  us for an entertaining quiz that will reveal who the “smartest person” is at the TU/e, or participate in some well-known TU/e festivals like the Luna festival, Conduct and Plugged,  now all in an online setting. All in all, it will be a quartile of extreme emotions but also, perhaps, new encounters, reunions and great relief.  So please come out and join us!

Check out the new programs for Q4.

Lucas Asselbergs, Head of Studium Generale

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