
Creative Clay Q&A

Dr. Marieke Dewitte and others
Woensdag 12 februari , 13:35 - 15:00
Vertigo, 5.07
Prijs: Gratis (Student) Gratis (Anderen)

This program is in relation to the lecture "Sex Anatomy 2.0"

This Q&A is an addition to the lecture Sex Anatomy 2.0. Make sure you subscribe to join before attending this Q&A. 

Want to ask an expert about the intricate workings of the clitoris? Do you have questions about your personal sexual experience that Reddit can't help you with? Or do you just want to get your hands dirty while you create some beautiful sex organs? Then come join this Creative Clay Q&A with sexologists.

During this creative Q&A, you will have the opportunity to engage in conversation and ask questions to a sexologist, all while doing some creative sculpting with clay. First, you will learn exactly how our private parts work in the Sex Anatomy 2.0 lecture. Afterwards, you can put this newfound knowledge to work by crafting and immortalizing your own private parts -or someone else's- using vibrantly colored clay; perfect for display on your mantel or as a one-of-a-kind gift. 

Ticket reservation
This Q&A is preceded by the lecture Sex Anatomy 2.0, in which dr. Marieke Dewitte will discuss everything related to our sexual anatomy and its relationship to sexual pleasure. It’s mandatory to attend the lecture before you participate in the crafting-with-clay Q&A, in which you can ask your questions to Dewitte and her fellow sexologists. Sign up for the lecture here.

Additionally, you need to reserve a spot via the black “order” button on this page to attend the Creative Clay Q&A.

The lecture and subsequent Q&A are organized in collaboration with Défi, a fraternity from Study Association GEWIS. Défi regularly organizes activities that take people out of their comfort zones, be it abseiling down the Vertigo building or learning to talk more easily about intimate issues.

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