Communicating in English is one of the main conditions for being a real international-oriented university. Using English as default language makes it easier to exchange knowledge and to cooperate with colleagues abroad. Furthermore, it attracts foreign students and employees.
TU/e policy is to be an international-oriented university and thus, the default language is more and more changing from Dutch to English. For example all Master Programs are in English. But, where do we draw the line? Should signs only display English text? Should all students, teachers and other employees communicate in English in the future? We need to address the fundamental question how necessary and valuable it is for university and society to embark on a total language transition. Join the discussion!
Discussion partners will be:
Willem G. van Hoorn – Advisor internationalisation
Dr. ir. Marloes van Lierop – Director of Education Computer Science & Engineering
Dr. Anna Vilanova – Assistant Professor at the Biomedical Image Analysis group
Indre Kalinauskaite – Masters, Human Technology Interaction & student assistant International Office
Vincent Merk MA – Cluster coordinator Intercultural Communication at the Centre for Communication, Language and Technology.
The Onderwijscafé is a cooperation of Groep-één, PF, representatives of various study associations and Studium Generale.
TU/english – a good idea? uitverkocht
Woensdag 23 maart 2011, 11:45
- 13:00
New location \