
Band Showdown

TU/e student bands
Donderdag 6 april 2023, 20:00
PopEi, Klokgebouw 300, Eindhoven
Prijs: Gratis (Student) Gratis (Anderen)

We know, it’s like comparing apples to oranges, a band showdown. But hey…. We’ll do it anyway. Go check it out in PopEi, StrijpS and find out who’s going to play at Plugged Festival on June 8th.

June 8 is D-Day: Plugged Festival hits campus. Like every year, two stages will be filled with smashing music. The Studium Generale stage will host bands where at least one of the band members is a TU/e student. Which bands will be playing? Let’s find out at the Band Showdown, where at least four bands will compete for two spots on the SG stage.  

You don’t need to have a ticket, just bring your friends and spend an awesome evening at PopEi, the place that breathes music and where the stakes are high tonight. Get to know new music, grab a beer or soda, and cheer on the student bands. Support your local heroes!

Keep an eye on the Insta account of ESMG Modern for the final lineup.

Band Showdown is organized by ESMG Modern and supported by Plugged and Studium Generale.

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