
Working internationally (substitute lecture) uitverkocht

Jean-Pierre Kempeneers
Woensdag 11 maart 2020, 12:40 - 13:20 (uitverkocht)
Blauwe Zaal

Due to the recent developments concerning the corona virus this program has been cancelled. Please check our regularly updated news article for further updates about the SG program.​

Jean-Pierre Kempeneers, National Coordinator International Positions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, will give a lecture about working outside the Netherlands.

The Dutch government plays an important role in appointing Dutch professionals in international organizations like the UN, Worldbank, CERN etc. What are the specific challenges to work at an international level? And what are good career paths to prepare for international functions? Jean-Pierre Kempeneers will share his experiences and discuss with students how it is to work at an international organization.

The lecture ‘What type of tech professional are you’ by dr. Ruth van Veelen is canceled due to personal circumstances of the speaker.

This lecture is a collaboration between Studium Generale and Wervingsdagen. On Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 March, Wervingsdagen organizes their yearly Career Expo (TU/e Campus; Auditorium & Atlas): a two day event during which 180+ companies – potential employers for students – present themselves. There are also extra activities like speed dates with companies, resume checks, a LinkedIn photographer and more.

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