
The upside-down economy (full) uitverkocht

Wilfried Bolt
Woensdag 12 februari 2020, 12:40 - 13:20 (uitverkocht)
Blauwe Zaal, Auditorium
Prijs: Gratis (Student) Gratis (Anderen)

Negative interest rates: frustrating, counterintuitive, but very much a reality. Wilfried Bolt discusses what happens to the economy when savers are penalized and borrowers get paid to borrow money.

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Are you disappointed about not getting any interest on your savings account? Do you want to know why this is the case, even ten years after the financial crisis? As interest rates have plummeted, the European economy adopted some seemingly counterintuitive measures; Danish citizens for example now actually get paid to take out mortgages. Wilfried Bolt will explain what’s happening and why this situation is so exceptional. He will help you understand some of the dynamics at play on the macro-economic stage, and discuss the consequences for pension funds, investors, and savers alike.

Wilfried Bolt is Senior Investment Manager at PGGM Investments. This is a pension fund service provider that manages the capital for various pension funds. He is an expert on interest rate and inflation risk management.

This program is a collaboration between B&R Beurs Eindhoven and Studium Generale.

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