
Technopolitics with Wikileaks uitverkocht

Dr. Geert Lovink
Woensdag 12 oktober 2011, 11:45 - 13:00 (uitverkocht)
Blauwe Zaal, Auditorium

Wikileaks  is a hacker’s initiative that is techno-libertarian in nature, with an anarcho-conspiratorial background. This explains the preoccupation of its founder Julian Assange with US-American foreign policy. This originally Australian initiative once had a different agenda, but came in organizational trouble in 2009 and has been in turmoil ever since the release of the 'collateral damage'  videos in April 2010, culminating in Cablegate and Assange's arrest over a Swedish rape allegation.

Dr. Geert Lovink analyses the history of Wikileaks, its unsuccessful collaboration with major news media and the future of similar initiatives. Geert Lovink (UvA /HvA) is founding director of the Institute of Network Cultures.

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