
Singapore, miracle of the far east uitverkocht

Prof. dr. ir. Aarnout Brombacher en dr. Frans Carpay
Woensdag 6 juni 2012, 11:45 - 13:00 (uitverkocht)
Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos

How did a tiny country, Singapore, become one of the world's most prosperous places - with glittering skyscrapers and a thriving port? Singapore is a hi-tech, wealthy city-state, but is also known for the conservatism of its leaders and its strict social control. Two visiting professors of the National University of Singapore, Professor Aarnout Brombacher, dean of the Department of Industrial Design TU/e and chemist dr. Frans Carpay, Research & Development manager for over 40 years in Singapore will present their vision on Singapore. Both will cover a range of astonishing aspects of the country that is, according to Brombacher, ‘not a democracy, not a dictatorship but a….. company’!

This program is part of the Asia Week Eindhoven


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