
OMG! Flirting as a daily skill: online and offline uitverkocht

Drazen Lisak, Inge van de Vorst
Woensdag 17 februari 2016, 18:30 - 22:00 (uitverkocht)

Dinner and Discussion

Drazen Lisak is flirt coach and Inge van de Vorst is ‘love doctor’. They will teach you a thing or two about flirting, both online (e.g. Tinder) and offline (the good ancient old skills). An evening with a three course dinner and great tips and tricks. Both serious and funny, inviting and surprising. After each course there is a presentation and discussion. The evening will end at 22.00 hrs. Students learn skills in the field of flirting, dating and creating intimacy and think about their own authentic way of using them. Both for singles and non-singles, for students and young professionals.

Subscribe here
Students € 5 and young professionals € 10.

A collaboration between TINT and Studium Generale

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