Sushi ninja Tokio shintoism Hello Kitty karaoke Keisuke Honda sake Hiroshima geisha Dance Dance Revolution samurai Sony buddhism Takeshi Kitano origami Nagasaki baseball Haruki Murakami manga Nintendo sumo Naoto Kan shogi Toyota anime Kyoto kimono ... This is Japan!
Though, what do we exactly know about Japan? This evening professor Rien T. Segers, director of the Centre for Contemporary Japanese Studies (University of Groningen) will talk about the role of Japan in the economic and political world. Segers is author of the books A New Japan for the 21st Century (2008), Japan en de onontkoombare Aziatisering van de wereld (2009) and Nederland na de crisis (2009). Also, a Dutch student and Japanese Masters’ student in the Dynamics and Control Group (Mechanical Engineering) Junichi Kanehara will discuss the differences between their countries. The evening ends with the exciting Japan quiz.
Organized in collaboration with Thor, study association of Electrical engineering, and Kinjin, the student association for Japanese Culture.
(door opens at 7.45 p.m.)
A trip to Nippon / Japan Night uitverkocht
professor Rien T. Segers
Woensdag 9 februari 2011, 20:00
- 23:00