
Blade Runner, The Final Cut uitverkocht

Woensdag 2 december 2015, 19:30 - 22:15 (uitverkocht)
Filmhuis De Zwarte Doos

Please note: this program starts at 19.30

Introduction and discussion with Dr.A.Spahn

Ridley Scotts, USA , 1982/2007
English spoken - subtitles: Dutch

It's been so long now since Ridley Scott's sci-fi thriller Blade Runner was first released (1982) that the futuristic setting – 2019 – no longer seems far off.

The best version to see is Blade Runner, The Final Cut – as the perfectionist director’s definitive cut is called — which is bleaker than the original but a more wonderfully immersive and true film.

The film is based on Philip K Dick’s 1968 novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, and is set in Los Angeles. The 'hero' is a detective called Deckard (expertly played by Harrison Ford), who hunts down androids – in the film  called replicants – who have escaped from their slave jails on outer-space colonies and are trying to blend in back on Earth. Rutger Hauer's android Roy Batty is one of the most dangerous, yet appealing, 'monsters' in cinema.

There are some people who prefer the original's gritty Chandleresque voice-over narration and the ambiguous happy ending (both supposedly forced on Scott), but the Final Cut is a more disturbing tale of dehumanisation.

Students free admission
Reservations: natlab 040-2946848

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