Concert, Online , Muziek


Whiff & The Wet Sock People and others
Donderdag 3 juni 2021, 20:00
Online, platform to be announced
Prijs: Gratis (Student) Gratis (Anderen)

Reserve June 3rd in your agenda so that you can watch the 8th edition of PLUGGED from the comfort of your own home. Gather your roommates, grab a beer, and enjoy the amazing artists that you are used to from PLUGGED.

Last year, Plugged Festival 2020, was cancelled due to COVID-19. This year, the virus is still lingering on, but cancelling again is not…an…option.

The PLUGGED festival crew ’21 is working their butts off to bring you a great line-up that will exceed your expectations. Which is quite a challenge [understatement] because the entire event will be presented only online. So be ready to be surprised and treat yourself to a great festival experience!

SG stage at Plugged with Whiff & The Wet Sock People

Each year at Plugged Studium Generale has its own stage with a special focus on student bands. And yep, we found just the right band. Energetic and danceable with ripping funky riffs; that's Whiff & The Wet Sock People, led by multi-instrumentalist Dries van Elten, is all about. And you know what? There are performing no less than 3 TU/e-students in this band. Way to go! Genres are crossed and interaction with the audience is normally a big part of the live shows of these young dogs. Brace yourself for this intense and vibrant musical trip that's gonna break right through your screen.

You can stay updated on the entire PLUGGED line-up.

Watch this concert via livestream

This concert will be streamed live to our Studium Generale Facebook page and YouTube channel. Follow us on Facebook or subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive a notification when we go live. You do not need to book a ticket to view the livestream.

Plugged: a festival for students from Eindhoven

Plugged Festival was first created by a group of students who wanted to share their love for live music and decided to organize a festival. By hanging “bands wanted” posters all over the university campus, they tried to reach out to enthusiastic musicians. The first edition of the festival in 2013 turned out to be a great success, with many talented artists and an awesome audience. In the last few years, Plugged Festival has evolved into the major music event at the TU/e.

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