Concert, Excursie

NSJO: Club Fusion

Nederlands Studenten Jazz Orkest
Woensdag 27 maart 2024, 20:15 - 22:15
De Effenaar, Eindhoven
Prijs: Gratis (Student)

Get fused. Go clubbing! The finest student funky jazz cats team up to give you the ultimate jazz & student experience. The annual tour of the Dutch Student Jazz Orchestra lands in Eindhoven tonight to share their talent and enthusiasm with you.

The free student tickets are sold out. You can still order tickets at the regular price through the Effenaar website. Students pay €12 and others €16.50.

The Nederlands Studenten Jazz Orkest (NSJO, Dutch Students Jazz Orchestra) is a project orchestra made up entirely of students. Every year, 30 musicians drop everything for two weeks to devote themselves fully to music and go on a big tour of Dutch student cities. Tonight, we welcome them in Eindhoven, in pop temple Effenaar.

NSJO brings jazz music to the widest possible audience in a revolutionary way. We had the honor of having the NSJO with Pete Philly a few years ago. Last year, it was Showtime! with vocalist Jordan Roy and keyboard player Chelsea Laverne. The theme for NSJO 2024 is: CLUB FUSION! The classic fusion of greats like Chick Corea, but also of modern maestros like Snarky Puppy. The soloist of this event is none other than Michelle David, the American pop, soul and gospel singer who has worked with the likes of Diana Ross and Michael Bolton, even attended the famous Fame School in New York and is now touring extensively  with the True Tones.

And, as the NSJO has become accustomed to doing, they also "fuse" other genres with jazz. Well-known, but also less obvious bangers. And all that in a danceable jacket. This 'club fusion' is guaranteed to be a party!

The discounted student tickets via our website are sold out. You can, however, still order regular tickets HERE (students pay € 12 and others €16,50).
The doors of the venue (Effenaar, Dommelstraat 2) open at 19:30, the concert starts at 20:15.


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