
Photo impression | Gaidaa: tiny tiny desk concert

We're fans of the concept "Tiny Desk Concert". The title speaks for itself. Studium Generale decided to organize a tiny tiny desk concert at TU/e, in Cursor's office. 

Performing artist was soul singer Gaidaa, a young Sudanese / Dutch musician who grew up in Eindhoven. 

Around 60 students, packed like canned sardines, enjoyed the wonderful music performance. What a great way to spend your lunchtime. 

Gaidaa makes neo-soul and R&B that sounds intimate and fresh. Gaidaa’s breakthrough came when she performed her single "Morning Blue" on the international music platform COLORS. She released her debut EP Overture in 2020, with positive reviews from Pitchfork and The Fader, amongst others. 

Recently it was announced that Gaidaa will perform at North Sea Jazz Festival in july 2022. Street-art artiest Beyond (Mural Kings) created a gigantic wall mural of Gaidaa for this occasion. 

📸 Photos by Maud Staassen photography. View the full photo album HERE.

We're fans of the concept "Tiny desk concert". The title speaks for itself :). Studium Generale decided to organize a...

Geplaatst door Studium Generale Eindhoven op Donderdag 23 juni 2022

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