
Radio | 20 yrs of live concerts at TU/e under SG flag

Studium Generale Program maker David Ernst made a radio-friendly-selection of songs of all the hundreds of artists who have played live at TU/e campus during the last 20 years.The heavy guitar and all the deep and disrupting dance music have been excluded in this broadcast, to keep it radio proof.  But no worries, there are still some very surprising musical gems to be discovered in this podcast. Enjoy!

Recorded on Thursday May 7th 19.00 - 22.00 hrs | www.radio.tue.nl

Want to cherry pick your favourite tracks from the playlist? Check the playlist on Spotify

TU/e community radio
TU/e community radio wanted to bring together the community of Eindhoven University of Technology (without being physically present on campus), by sharing music hits and stories of TU/e students and staff members during the corona outbreak.

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