
Evening of 'het Levenslied'

Sooner or later, when you live in the Netherlands as a foreigner, you’ll get in contact with “Het Levenslied”: a sentimental Dutch-language subgenre of popular music, with its own sub-genres like the “smartlap”. On April 6 the audience was treated to a lecture by Femke Vandenberg, a PhD and lecturer at the Arts and Culture Studies Department at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, about this cultural phenomenon plus a free concert by the new queen of ‘het Levenslied’ Sophie Straat, who gives a new dimension to the genre.

Photography: Bart van Overbeeke. View the entire photo album HERE.

�������������� ���� '������ ��������������������' | �� ���������� �������� Sooner or later, when you live in the Netherlands as a foreigner, you’ll get...

Geplaatst door Studium Generale Eindhoven op Dinsdag 12 april 2022

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