
Gotu Jim: aftermovie and photos

From Social Geography student to rapper who makes a frat party all lit up. We're talking about Golden James aka Jim Lageveen aka Gotu Jim. Gotu Jim set the Luna roof on fire on March 24th 2022. 

After collaborations with Yung Internet, Merol, Faberyayo and Willie Wartaal, he released his EP on Burning Fik, the label by Faberyayo and Abel. The audience enjoyed feather-light beats, autotune, 'vulgar' lyrics (marijuana, love, nightlife, dealers, Matthijs de Ligt) and a pre-corona-style party.

Photography: Bart van Overbeeke. View the entire photo album HERE.

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Geplaatst door Studium Generale Eindhoven op Vrijdag 25 maart 2022

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