Research since the early years of the 21st century consistently shows how through the years more of our time gets spent using media, how being concurrently exposed to media has become a foundational feature of everyday life, and that for most people consuming media increasingly takes place alongside producing media. Contemporary media devices, what people do with them, and how all of this fits in the organization of our everyday life disrupt and unsettle well- established views of the role media plays in society. Instead of continuing to wrestle with a distinction between media and society, this presentation proposes we begin our thinking with a view of life not lived with media, but in media. In this presentation, the media life perspective is developed by correlating the claims of contemporary social theory with recent reports on media use among teenagers around the world, using the Dutch site GeenStijl [] as a case in point.
Mark Deuze holds a joint appointment as an Associate Professor of Telecommunications at Indiana University in Bloomington, United States, and as Professor of Journalism and New Media at Leiden University, The Netherlands. Publications of his work include seven books – including "Managing Media Work" (Sage Publishers, 2010) and "Media Life" (Polity Press, 2011), guest-edited special issues of journals on convergence culture (Convergence, 2008; International Journal of Cultural Studies, 2009), and articles in academic journals such as The Information Society, New Media & Society, and Journalism Studies.
The Experience of Love, Sex and Death in a Media Life sold out
Prof.dr. Mark Deuze
Wednesday, October 13 2010, 11:45 AM
- 1:00 PM
(sold out)
Blauwe Zaal, Auditorium