
More than human

Peter Joosten MSc
Wednesday, March 30 2022, 12:40 PM - 1:20 PM
Blauwe Zaal & livestream
Price: Free (Student) Free (Others)

Superhuman, human augmentation, Homo Deus – there is great buzz around research that aims to enhance human abilities through medicine or technology. What if we can significantly upgrade our physical, cognitive, and emotional capabilities? How will human life change in the coming 50 years?

The possibilities and applications are widespread; think for example of biohacking, exoskeletons, implanted chips, adding new senses, connecting the brain to a computer, and genetic modification with CRISPR/cas9. What are the opportunities, ethical dilemmas, and risks involved? And how far would you be willing to go? Biohacker and cyborg futurist Peter Joosten will discuss the consequences of this Superhuman Era on mankind, society, and ethics.

Peter Joosten MSc studied Innovation Management and Journalism at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen before specializing in science journalism, biohacking and bioethics. He is active as a keynote speaker and consultant, investigating the impact of biohacking, human enhancement and transhumanism in his public lectures, articles and YouTube channel. Peter is also the curator of the platform Superhuman Talks where he writes and interviews experts about the coming era of upgraded humans. In addition, he is a guest lecturer at TU/e (master Human Technology Interaction) and an associate at Next Nature (theme: human enhancement). He has written two (Dutch) books: Biohacking (2018) and Supermens (2020).

Team Hart
This lecture is organized in cooperation with Team HART. Team HART, which stands for Human Augmentation Research & Technology, is a young TU/e student team that envisions a future where constraints of human biology dissolve and new ways of experiencing the world arise by giving people freedom of experience using new technologies. The long-term objective is to develop a platform, much like the App Store on your smartphone, where instead of apps, you can download new senses.

Please note: only book a ticket if you want to attend this program on campus. To watch the livestream via MS Teams, please do not reserve a ticket.

On campus: ticket reservation recommended
This program will take place on campus. Making a reservation via the website (black "order" button) is recommended to ensure you have a seat.

Via livestream: do not reserve a ticket
This program will also be streamed live via MS Teams. You can attend by clicking on this LINK TO LIVESTREAMStudents who want to register for SG&USE should login with their TU/e students email account and watch the entire program.
Please do not book a ticket if you want to watch the livestream.

SG&USE registration
On campus:
Please register your participation upon arrival when attending the program on campus. You can register by scanning your student card before the start of the program at the venue.

Online via livestream:

  • Do not make a reservation if you want to watch the program online via the livestream.
  • You can only register for SG&USE if you watch the entire program live via MS Teams and are logged in with your TU/e student email account (i.e., you can’t watch it at a later time) and if you complete an online SG&USE registration form within five minutes after the end of the program. Before the program starts, we will explain where and when you can find the link to the registration form. You will need to have your student ID number on hand because you'll need it to fill out the form. Please make sure your registration is done properly, otherwise we will not be able to verify that you were present. 

More information about SG&USE can be found here.

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