
Cogito ergo sum - an introduction to Rene Descartes

dr. H.T. (Han Thomas) Adriaenssen
Wednesday, May 11 2022, 12:40 PM - 1:20 PM
Blauwe Zaal Auditorium
Price: Free (Student) Free (Others)

‘I think, therefore I am’, may well be the most winged statement in the history of philosophy, but do we really know what is meant by it? And moreover, what do we know about the person who stated it: the philosopher, scientist and mathematician Rene Descartes?

Why should every academic know his/her thoughts and works? By whom has he/she been influenced and whom has he/she influenced him/herself? All this and more will be made crystal clear after you have witnessed this lecture by Dr. Han Thomas Adriaenssen. He is one of the most talented young philosophers in The Netherlands. He is a specialist in the Medieval roots of the thinking of Descartes and was chosen three times as ‘teacher of the year’ at the Faculty of Philosophy at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

Descartes, of course, was much more than his 1637 masterpiece ‘Discourse of the Method’, as will be seen by the numerous insights gained during this lecture. And, did you know that he lived in The Netherlands during most of his working life? And that he is the inventor of analytic geometry?

Still hesitant to attend? It’s not ‘I think, therefore I am’, but ‘I think, therefore I want to know……’.

Ticket reservation recommended
To be assured of a seat, we recommend reserving a ticket (black "order" button).
NOTE: This program will not be live streamed.

SG & USE registration
Please register your participation on the spot when attending the program on campus, by scanning your student card before the start of the program at the venue.

More information about SG & USE can be found here.

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