
World Press Photo guided tours

September 21 2019 till September 29 2019
Atlas, TU/e
Price: Free (Student) Free (Others)

Shocking, horrifying, beautiful, and breathtaking. The World Press Photo exhibition reaches 4 million people in 100 cities and 45 countries globally and shows the most exceptional and intriguing press photos of the year. Learn more about the exhibition and the background of the images during one of the guided tours.

All tours are now fully booked. There is a chance of no show so it may be possible to join at the start of a tour, but we’re not able to guarantee it.

What happened the moment before the picture was taken? Which dangers did the photographer have to face? What story does the picture want to tell us? During the guided tour we’ll delve deeper into the stories behind the images, the photographers that took them and the contest in which they have received awards.

World Press Photo is the world’s biggest international press photography contest. This year 4,548 photographers from 125 countries submitted 73,044 images. A total of 42 photographers from 22 countries received awards in eight categories. The exhibition shows the 160+ winning images.

The guided tours take place at the following times:

Saturday 21 September

11:15 (NL)   
16:00 (EN)                          

Sunday 22 September  

11:15 (NL)           
16:00 (EN)          

Monday 23 September

12:40  (NL)                                                          

Tuesday 24 September

12:40 (EN)          
17:30 (NL)           
19:30 (EN)

Wednesday 25 September         

12:40 (NL)                                                           

Thursday 26 September

12:40 (EN)          
17:30 (EN)          
19:30 (NL)

Friday 27 September     

12:40 (NL)                                                           

Saturday 28 September

11:15 (EN)          
16:00 (NL)                           

Sunday 29 September  

11:15 (NL)           
16:00 (EN)          


The exhibition and guided tours are free. Registration is only necessary for the guided tours, not for the exhibition. Five minutes prior to the start we gather at the reception desk of Atlas.

Participation in the guided tours is awarded with a USE point, autonomous visits to the exhibition are not.

On 11 September Dr. Rob Leurs will give a lecture in the context of the exhibition about how we can move beyond fake news to discuss underlying issues.

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