
To Have and Have Not sold out

Thursday, November 21 2013, 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM (sold out)
Wednesday, December 18 2013, 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM (sold out)
Hal Hoofdgebouw TU/e

Since the financial crisis first broke out in 2008, we’ve become very much aware of all the related problems in the financial and political system. When they’re talking about today’s economic and financial crisis, the media tend to focus mainly on the suffering by victims and the rhetoric of demonstrators. But if you really want to understand the crisis, you need to look most of all at the culture in which it’s rooted – the culture of the ‘one per cent’ – the most wealthy citizens.

‘To Have and Have Not’ focuses on the lifestyles and thinking of an elite class that considers itself beyond accountability. The photos pose some fundamental questions. Is greed a driver of progress or should it be reined in? Is it still possible to have a realistic perspective of each other when the differences between the classes are so great? ‘To Have And To Have Not’ clearly shows the context in which ideas about justice, risk and income have become so eroded.

The ‘To Have and Have Not’ exhibition reveals the hidden world of money and power, and the culture of the wealthiest one per cent. The work of 14 photographers from around the world not only shows the exorbitant wealth in which the very rich live, but most of all the abstract aspects: the elusive nature of the financial world, shadowy power structures and the role of politics.

This exhibition is a selection from the original ‘To Have and Have Not’ exhibition, and was created by Noorderlicht, Groningen.

Free admission
For more information: Noorderlicht

To Have and Have not is an exhibition of and by Noorderlicht, © 2013

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