Online , Discussion

Team up today!

Miriam Kristalijn
Wednesday, May 26 2021, 12:40 PM - 1:20 PM
MS Teams
Price: Free (Student) Free (Others)

Are ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’ just big buzzwords, or is there something in there for you? Research shows that having diverse and inclusive teams leads to heightened creativity, easier rethinking, accelerated innovation, and better performance. Yet, the reality is that these teams do not come about by themselves. Take a closer look at your blind spots in teamwork and examine the meaning of diversity in an in-depth but light-hearted way.

Please note:
This program will be held online in MS Teams. You can attend the program via this link.
The MS Teams meeting starts at 12:30. The program starts at 12:40.

You’re invited to join an informal discussion session afterwards (13:20 – 13:40) where you can actively participate and share your thoughts with the speakers and everyone who attended the main program. The link to this Teams meeting will follow in the chat at the end of the main program.

The TU/e originally was a university with a very uniform population, but various developments in recent decades have contributed to a more diverse composition. Still, it’s often difficult to break out of homogeneous bubbles. In addition, differences between people are not always tolerated, and “feeling at home" is not always guaranteed. The fact that we say we value diversity does not always mean that we act accordingly. In project groups, student teams, research departments, and on boards, we are often (unintentionally) inclined to look for familiarity, and we subconsciously contribute to reinforcing the homogeneity of the groups in which we operate. But if diversity and inclusiveness are not fostered, talent is lost. That is why this is not only a problem of the minority, but also of everyone at TU/e.

Today, we will take a closer look at these mechanisms with the expert help of consultant Miriam Kristalijn. She will guide you in a conversation about how you can embrace the personal differences between you and your fellow students or colleagues, how you can promote team performance and talent development, and how you can make everyone feel that they belong. In this program, discussions will look at uncovering our blind spots, examining how we subconsciously make blunders, but also at how we can learn from such mishaps while having fun, and what small steps we all can take.

Miriam Kristalijn is a consultant and coach at Ardis organizational consultancy. She has a professional background in mediation, organization and change management, and social safety. Kristalijn loves stories about courage, setbacks and victories, and uses personal stories as a starting point for each session.

Other speakers:

Anne Jenster | University Council TU/e
Kjell Revenberg | Team manager Solar Team Eindhoven TU/e
Rachel Falleyn | Student psychologist TU/e
Prof.dr. Gerrit Kroesen | Dean of Applied Physics TU/e

This program is organized in collaboration with Compass, the LGBTQ+ community for students and staff at TU/e.

Attend via MS Teams

This program will be held online. You can attend the program via this link to the Teams videocall meeting. 

SG & USE registration

You can only register for SG&USE if you watch the entire program live (i.e., you can’t watch it at a later time) and if you complete an online SG&USE registration form within five minutes after the end of the program. Before the program starts, we will explain where and when you can find the link to the registration form. You will need to have your student ID number on hand because you'll need it to fill out the form.

Please make sure your registration is done properly, otherwise we will not be able to verify that you were present.

More information about SG & USE can be found here.

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